DICK’S — See You Out There

In the summer of 2020, coming off of lockdown, Dick’s Sporting Goods wanted a message that resonated with the time. Stores were reopening (safely) and people were going out again (also, safely). The outdoors was one of the few places that you could enjoy to the fullest. So we created an invitation, to get outside and move again (duh, safely).

Directed by Sherpas Cinema

Edited by Ryan McCally

Created with Mark Sarosi, Mike Byrne, Seth Jacobs & Andrew Loevenguth

This was our first shoot after everything had been locked down. And our first “virtual shoot”. It was so early in the process that America still hadn’t opened for filming so we engaged our friends in Canada, Sherpa Cinema, to film in their own backyard between Calgary and Vancouver. And it was the first job for them after being shut down for months. They surprised us at the end of the shoot with a very thoughtful gesture.